Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hunter Scott Gillespie

Born Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 at 10:14pm, weighing 6lbs 6oz and measuring 20 inches to the very blessed and proud parents - Scott and Sarah Gillespie.

The story began on Monday around 5pm... Mommy's water broke! Daddy was making dinner and Mommy just got out of the shower. You were about to make quite the entrance...

We were SO excited that it was time to meet you! We got to the hospital and once we were admitted, nothing really began to happen... no real contractions started until about 2am and even those didn't hurt mommy that bad. They had to give mommy something to speed things up - but it didn't really speed things up. You didn't want to leave mommy's womb. Around 2pm, I started to have some regular contractions about 2-3 min apart and we thought it would be time soon. Well, many hours later mommy was only 5cm dilated and you started having trouble with the stronger contractions - so the doctor decided to deliver you via c-section. Mommy and Daddy couldn't have been happier!!! We wanted to meet you and make sure you were okay. So, after being at the hospital for 28hours you finally entered the world! We love you more than you will ever know Hunter!!!

Here are some pics from your first few days...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Baby Bump - 37 1/2 weeks

37 and 1/2 weeks preggers - Due date November 17th - when will he make his entrance into the world??? Post your guesses! Mommy thinks late, especially since he has not dropped yet. He seems pretty comfortable to me....So, my guess is November 20th. Daddy thinks he will arrive on his due date. What's your guess?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Baby G's Nursery

Baby G's Nursery is almost complete! We still have a very special painting to hang. It is the one of clouds and a plane that Shea had everyone at the Colorado Baby Shower help create. We also get new windows this week! Sorry that the picture with the crib and planes is SO bright.... Baby G's name is surrounded by the planes. When he enters the world in a few short weeks, we will reveal his name! Can't wait to meet him... he will be here before we know it - :0)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hee - Hee - Hee - Hoo!

So... we had our Childbirth Express Class at Sky Ridge the other day. Plenty of breathing techniques were taught, and we learned all about what to expect. Okay, I read most of it already, but it was still good to hear it all. It was great to take the class together to practice breathing, etc. Scott is going to be a great coach!

My checklist is growing shorter and shorter... Pediatrician - check, Childcare - check, finish Nursery - check. I still need to finish packing my hospital bag and cook and freeze some meals so once he arrives we won't have to cook for a few days. Scott is getting the car seat inspected... so now we just wait for this little guy to come and change our lives forever! So exciting!

Colorado Baby Shower

Click here to view these pictures larger

Thursday, September 16, 2010


It's overrated! I have actually been sleeping pretty good since the travel stopped last week. We get to bed pretty early, and I think I have been recovering from 10 wks of jet lag. But tonight, not so much. We went to bed pretty early, but aches and pains woke me up. All this extra weight can make even my favorite, most comfortable Tempurpedic bed feel like I am sleeping on the ground. Multiple restroom visits to pee a teaspoonful, and with Baby G moving around... I couldn't sleep anymore tonight. I guess it is all in good time - a little preparation for the sleepless nights in my very near future once he arrives. I still can't wait! :)

Baby Bump - 30 wks

Here is the most recent baby bump photo. At the doctor this week when she was listening to the heart beat, Baby G decided to kick every place she put the sonogram :) Can't wait to meet this little guy!


Home is one of those things I think can easily be taken for granted. This is my first week working from Denver in 10 weeks, and I am SO grateful to be home! I missed my evenings with Scott - as uneventful as they may seem, they are special to us. We have enjoyed creating yummy meals (which I am sure he missed) and time together talking, reading, and preparing for our son to arrive. You know what else I missed? Seeing the mountains! Home - it is good to be back!

Here is a funny pic of our first baby, Seychelle, busted in the middle of the night by Scott and I on our couch! She is using the pillows... too cute, all we could do was laugh and take pictures and let her be :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Shower in St. Louis

Here are some photos from the shower I had a couple weekends ago in St. Louis. Mary Ellen hosted - thank you! It was great to see everyone! I was 28 weeks along - so these will have to serve as the 28 wk belly bump shots... sorry! Scott and I will try to start posting a belly bump photo every two weeks - so the 30 week photo will be this week!

I was hoping to get back home to Omaha for a shower with my family there, but my doc recently said no more travel after this week :0( Love you guys back in Omaha!!! Glad I was able to see you early in the pregnancy.

Mom - look at the second photo... it is of me holding a "lovey" puppy dog... from Nancy Shea. It looks very similar to the one I had when I was a little one :0) only difference is mine was yellow. Too cute!

Wow - time is flying!!!

Hi all! I am sorry I have not written in a while - Scott and I have been busy, busy trying to get our home ready for Baby G. Between doing that, playing catch up on the weekends, and traveling 4-5 days during the week, I have not had much time to write or update the blog! Lots has happened though...

Scott and I cleared out the guest room (sorry to the guests we have had stay with us in the past) for Baby G. We had a garage sale - a successful one at that! We got rid of our old kitchen table and chairs and our circuit training/home gym that was in our downstairs family room, along with tons of other junk! WOW it feels like we have so much more space now! Plenty of room for all that baby gear we are getting!

Last weekend we painted the baby's room - it is the perfect shade of.... OH, I am sorry, you will have to wait! The big reveal will be coming soon! Ahh... the nesting continues :0) I will post pics of the nursery soon. Some of you know the theme already - PLANES!!! It only made sense, since I have been on a plane almost my entire pregnancy and this little guy moves around so much when we are flying. Maybe he will grow up to be a pilot :0)

Love you all! More pics and blogging to follow...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A wedding in the mountains...

Scott and I were able to enjoy a beautiful weekend in the mountains in mid-July. Our very good friends, Gil and Shea, got married at the Westin in Avon, CO. What a great weekend of fun, friends, and relaxing! The weather was beautiful and so was the scenery. Friday night was the rehearsal dinner at 4 Eagle Ranch. Saturday was the big day at the Westin.

Scott and I also celebrated our 2 year anniversary because our friends' big day was two days before our anniversary. Enjoy the photos!

Baby Bump - 24 Weeks

WOW! I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted! I wish I could say I have been busy working on the baby's room or shopping for little Baby G - but I have just been very busy traveling for work. I will be traveling for the next 4 weeks, and then a weekend mid-September for a conference in Baltimore - then I am done! Every time I tell people I travel for work - they feel sorry for me because I am pregnant. Traveling definitely can get tiring, but I really am very lucky to be working on this program and implementing it at our cancer centers for our patients. It has been an enlightening experience for which I am grateful. Traveling while pregnant is not without its own challenges... for example I have to wear compression stockings to reduce the swelling in my feet and lower legs on the long flight to Tampa Bay and the 2hr drive to Gainesville - SO glamorous! ;) But overall - I really can't complain.
Here is a recent photo of my growing baby bump! Little Baby G is moving more and more each day. This little guy loves the plane I am guessing because he is sure active when I am flying. We are thinking of a plane theme for his nursery - it seems fitting since he is already a little jet setter! His daddy has been able to feel him kick a few times now - which is a cool experience for him! We love you all - thanks for your continued love, prayers, and support!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Baby Bump - 20 wks

Among other things... my baby bump is growing!!! :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Drum roll please.....

We are having a baby BOY!!!! You all should have seen Scott's reaction - fist in the air and pulled it down and said "YES!" Meanwhile, I was tearing up at the fact that the baby was so healthy and how cool it was to see all the movement - very surreal. (I might have also shed a tear b/c of the idea that our boy could be a handful like my Scottie) :)

We are thrilled! Thank you all for your prayers, love and support! 20 weeks +/- to go!!!

The ultrasound pics might be hard to view - not sure the best way to upload these so they are full size. The one on the bottom is the image that proved we are having a boy!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Scott and I were SO excited to get out of town! We both needed a little fun and relaxations. Here are some pictures from our "babymoon". The experts say you should get away one last time as a couple b/c it may be a while until you are able to do so. We headed to the Lake of the Ozarks and spent some time with our St. Louis family.

Tid Bits...

I was reading about some very cool things last night... Our little baby can taste what I have been eating! Talk about wanting to make sure you eat foods you want your child to love later! I just thought that was such a cool thing. Our little one is swallowing amniotic fluid to prepare the digestive system. The baby is also peeing - a little gross but I guess it's all part of it!

The other cool thing that just made me sit in awe of our Creator was the fact that the blood in the baby's heart travels between the atria in the womb through an opening called the foramen ovale - bypassing the lungs. This is so the baby can rely soley on the mother for oxygenation. As soon as the baby is born, the opening closes. Blood goes from the right ventricle to the right atrium and to the lungs for oxygenation for the very first time. What a miraculous conversion!


What a cool feeling :) I felt more pronounced movement last night! I really had to pay attention though because it was right around bed time when I was lying down and getting sleepy. I had my hand on my belly and could feel what I would say is like bubbles bursting. This time I was sure it was our little one. And then I felt it again! I can't wait until I can feel even more from Baby G!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Baby Bump 4 months, 1 week

I had intentions of posting at week 16, but all good intentions aside... it is now week 17. We are 4 months and 1 week along, and Baby G is starting to move... I think. I have felt the "butterflies" or "bubbles" as my mom has referred to that first feeling of the baby moving. It is just so hard to tell is it the baby or is it.. er.. um.. well, you know!

I am at that weird stage, I am not feeling sick anymore (for the most part) and am not really sure if the baby is moving... each day I am like - "hello Baby G, are you still in there?" I have to trust that my growing belly and late night hunger are signs that little Baby G is progressing nicely.

Our next ultrasound is July 1st - our 20 week check-up! We will find out the sex and get to see all Baby G's little fingers and toes.

More to come...

Baby G's First Photo

Here is an ultrasound photo taken at 12 weeks and 5 days on May 10, 2010 - the first of many photos to come for this little one.

I was still quite nauseous at this point... but the nausea was a blessing, giving me peace of mind that all was still going well in the womb for Baby G.

I love the one where it looks like Baby G is waving. Made momma smile :)

November Due Date

We seem to only be able to get pregnant in February - little Baby G's due date is November 18th, the same as our first pregnancy. Many of you know of our loss last year. It was a rough journey... but with the love, support, and prayers of our friends and family we both healed and were ready to try again this year. The fact that the due dates were the same was hard at first, actually - it was hard the whole first trimester. Now that we are in the second trimester - we are so excited for what's to come!

To make light of the fact that the only month we can get pregnant is February with a November due date - let's tease Scott that maybe this is a sign that he just isn't meant to be a hunter! Kidding babe! Scott is a great hunter, but it is pretty sad because my birthday is late October (prime Elk hunting) and now little Baby G's in November (prime pheasant hunting I think?) Poor guy! Baby G and I better get used to celebrating our bdays early for dear old dad! :)

Sick 24/7

At week 6, I saw my OB. She asked if I had been sick at all yet... I said - "No, I have been feeling great!" She warned that the nausea usually starts at week 6.

Wham! The very next day, nauseous all day long with aversions to foods I love like salads :( Everything smelled so strong, which limited the foods I would eat...

At one of my visits around week 12, I had lost about 2 pounds, which I have since gained back along with a couple more :)

The aversions and 24/7 nausea went on roughly through week 15, with still some nauseousness after certain foods like sweets. Baby G doesn't like sweets I guess!

When we found out...

Grand Lake March 13, 2010

We needed a little R&R and my good friends and clients offered their place in Grand Lake. Scott and I had so much fun that weekend. Thanks Judi and Di!

Finding out we were pregnant that weekend made the trip even more special!

Enjoy the photos of the very happy parents-to-be!