Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wow - time is flying!!!

Hi all! I am sorry I have not written in a while - Scott and I have been busy, busy trying to get our home ready for Baby G. Between doing that, playing catch up on the weekends, and traveling 4-5 days during the week, I have not had much time to write or update the blog! Lots has happened though...

Scott and I cleared out the guest room (sorry to the guests we have had stay with us in the past) for Baby G. We had a garage sale - a successful one at that! We got rid of our old kitchen table and chairs and our circuit training/home gym that was in our downstairs family room, along with tons of other junk! WOW it feels like we have so much more space now! Plenty of room for all that baby gear we are getting!

Last weekend we painted the baby's room - it is the perfect shade of.... OH, I am sorry, you will have to wait! The big reveal will be coming soon! Ahh... the nesting continues :0) I will post pics of the nursery soon. Some of you know the theme already - PLANES!!! It only made sense, since I have been on a plane almost my entire pregnancy and this little guy moves around so much when we are flying. Maybe he will grow up to be a pilot :0)

Love you all! More pics and blogging to follow...

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