WOW! I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted! I wish I could say I have been busy working on the baby's room or shopping for little Baby G - but I have just been very busy traveling for work. I will be traveling for the next 4 weeks, and then a weekend mid-September for a conference in Baltimore - then I am done! Every time I tell people I travel for work - they feel sorry for me because I am pregnant. Traveling definitely can get tiring, but I really am very lucky to be working on this program and implementing it at our cancer centers for our patients. It has been an enlightening experience for which I am grateful. Traveling while pregnant is not without its own challenges... for example I have to wear compression stockings to reduce the swelling in my feet and lower legs on the long flight to Tampa Bay and the 2hr drive to Gainesville - SO glamorous! ;) But overall - I really can't complain.
Here is a recent photo of my growing baby bump! Little Baby G is moving more and more each day. This little guy loves the plane I am guessing because he is sure active when I am flying. We are thinking of a plane theme for his nursery - it seems fitting since he is already a little jet setter! His daddy has been able to feel him kick a few times now - which is a cool experience for him! We love you all - thanks for your continued love, prayers, and support!
I thoroughly loved the photos. Sarah your baby bump has grown alot this month!I am soooo excited!