I had intentions of posting at week 16, but all good intentions aside... it is now week 17. We are 4 months and 1 week along, and Baby G is starting to move... I think. I have felt the "butterflies" or "bubbles" as my mom has referred to that first feeling of the baby moving. It is just so hard to tell is it the baby or is it.. er.. um.. well, you know!
I am at that weird stage, I am not feeling sick anymore (for the most part) and am not really sure if the baby is moving... each day I am like - "hello Baby G, are you still in there?" I have to trust that my growing belly and late night hunger are signs that little Baby G is progressing nicely.
Our next ultrasound is July 1st - our 20 week check-up! We will find out the sex and get to see all Baby G's little fingers and toes.
you have a nice size baby bump my sweet sarah!!!!