Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tid Bits...

I was reading about some very cool things last night... Our little baby can taste what I have been eating! Talk about wanting to make sure you eat foods you want your child to love later! I just thought that was such a cool thing. Our little one is swallowing amniotic fluid to prepare the digestive system. The baby is also peeing - a little gross but I guess it's all part of it!

The other cool thing that just made me sit in awe of our Creator was the fact that the blood in the baby's heart travels between the atria in the womb through an opening called the foramen ovale - bypassing the lungs. This is so the baby can rely soley on the mother for oxygenation. As soon as the baby is born, the opening closes. Blood goes from the right ventricle to the right atrium and to the lungs for oxygenation for the very first time. What a miraculous conversion!

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