The story began on Monday around 5pm... Mommy's water broke! Daddy was making dinner and Mommy just got out of the shower. You were about to make quite the entrance...
We were SO excited that it was time to meet you! We got to the hospital and once we were admitted, nothing really began to happen... no real contractions started until about 2am and even those didn't hurt mommy that bad. They had to give mommy something to speed things up - but it didn't really speed things up. You didn't want to leave mommy's womb. Around 2pm, I started to have some regular contractions about 2-3 min apart and we thought it would be time soon. Well, many hours later mommy was only 5cm dilated and you started having trouble with the stronger contractions - so the doctor decided to deliver you via c-section. Mommy and Daddy couldn't have been happier!!! We wanted to meet you and make sure you were okay. So, after being at the hospital for 28hours you finally entered the world! We love you more than you will ever know Hunter!!!
Here are some pics from your first few days...